June 10, 2013


It takes many parts to make a whole body. God created our bodies in such a way that even the parts that seem the least important or hidden are valuable. Consider the spleen or colon and what each part does for the body.
The Corinthian church was divided by envy, factionalism and sinful behavior. But one of its main problems was the belief that certain members of the church were not very important, that these members could be ignored or replaced.
Paul pictures the Church as a body made of many parts, yet functioning as a unit. It is based on varieties of skills and gifts and on mutual interdependence. Even the “weaker” parts of the body are important and deserve respect.
Paul was not an impressive speaker (2 Corinthians 10.10,11). He seems to have had a disability or a recurring illness, but that didn’t stop him (2 Corinthians 12.7–10; Galatians 4.13,14). Sometimes people with disabilities are barred from participation, set aside, or hidden away, but God says everyone can play a part in the body of Christ.
How can you use the gifts God gave you? What gifts do you see in other people? What opportunities do they need to experience to make the most of their gifts?
Do you know people with disabilities in your church or in your community? Talk to them. Find out about their lives. How can you help them? And, also important, how can they help you?